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The tree of life and LUCA

Anja Spang

The tree of life and LUCA

Is all life on Earth related, and who is LUCA?

We will explore cellular life on Earth, connected by a universal common ancestor. We will discuss the types of cellular life, their evolution over time, including the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA) and the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotes. This journey reveals the deep origins of life and our microbial ancestors, covering microbiology, cellular life forms, and evolution to eukaryotic complexity, including our place in this process.

In addition, we will explore questions of sustainability and the future of life in a changing world, predicting evolution and understanding diversification and extinction in the era of climate change.

Bandera de Costa Rica


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+506 2511 2270       (CIPRONA)
+506 2519 5871       (CENIBiot-CeNAT)

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