Food authentication by microbiome analysis
Elaine Cristina Pereira De Martinis, Otávio Guilherme Gonçalves de Almeida, Virgínia Farias Alves
Mummy: how can daddy possibly like that smelly cheese?
Food protection is essential to keep our meals free from physical, chemical, or biological contaminants, which can enter the food supply unintentionally or through criminal adulteration, turning a "treat" into a "trick."
Food adulteration results in billions of dollars in losses and public health risks, often involving harmful ingredients added for profit or malicious purposes like bioterrorism.
Fortunately, many prevention strategies exist, such as analyzing food microbiomes to identify "microbial signatures" and ensure authenticity.
How do scientists verify if a food product is genuine? Is that expensive cheese with Designation of Origin authentic, or was it carelessly made elsewhere?